NCS President to Chair 2021 DigitalSENSE Forum on Internet Governance
4 years agoon

The President of the Nigeria Computer Society (NCS), Prof. Adesina Sodiya is to preside over the 2021 edition of the Nigeria DigitalSENSE Africa Forum on Internet Governance for Development (IG4D), slated for Thursday, June 10, at the Golden Tulip Hotels, International Airport Road, Lagos.
Disclosing this at the weekend in Lagos, the organisers through the Lead Consulting Strategist and Group Executive Editor, ITREALMS Media inc, Mr. Remmy Nweke, said that this year’s theme will focus on Digital Cooperation: Enhancing Multistakeholders Governance for Digital Economy.
He said that DigitalSENSE Africa is a project of ITREALMS Media group; made up of internationally reputed and award-winning Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry analysts and perception managers; professionally affiliated to African Regional At-Large Organisation (AFRALO) for shaping the future of the Internet.
Also, he said that DigitalSENSE Africa is a certified At-Large Structure (ALS) of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and is excited to have president of the Nigeria Computer Society, Prof. Sodiya to preside the 12th edition of its forum series on Internet Governance for Development.
Nweke went on to say that Prof. Adesina Sodiya is a fellow of NCS and member of the Computer Professional Registration Council of Nigeria (CPN) and would be giving a speech at the 2021 Nigeria DigitalSENSE Forum on Internet Governance for Development on “Computing for Enhanced Multistakeholder Governance for Digital Economy.”
Professor Sodiya possess B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Computer Science as well as Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and was invited as a fellow of United Nation University (UNU) in conjunction with International Institute of Software Technology (IIST) in 2004 for a 4-month study and research fellowship at University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
He started his work experience as a System Analyst/ Programmer at Microboss International Limited, Adeniyi Jones, Ikeja, Lagos State from December 1993 to January 1995. He continued his career as the Senior System Analyst at the Bursary Department in the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State. In September 2001, he became an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. In May 2004, he became Lecturer II in the Department of Computer Science, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. He rose and became a Professor on 1st of October, 2015 in the same department.
He changed his research focus to Information Security in year 2000 as a Ph.D student. He later became the pioneer researcher in the field of Intrusion Detection in Nigeria. Apart from information security, he is also interested in the applications of data mining in solving real life problems, building decision support systems and big data analytics. Sodiya presently is working on cyber security planning and management, adaptive IRS, hierarchical access control architecture, authentication systems and generally improving the security of enterprise network. He has also conducted high quality research in applied IT and innovative systems.
He was the Chairman of Nigeria Computer Society (NCS), Ogun State Chapter from January 2009 to 2013. In July 2011, he became a national executive member of NCS, where he served as the Chairman, Publications, Standards, Research and Development Committee. Between 2011 to 2013, he has served as a member of Conferences Committee and Education and Manpower Committee. From 2013 to 2015, he served as the Chairman, Education and Manpower Development Committee of Nigeria Computer Society. He was a CPN Council member from 2013 to 2015, where he served as the Chairman, Public Relation and Corporate Affairs Committee of CPN. He also served as a member of several Ad-hoc Committees such as Committee on the Review of the Draft IT Bill and Cybersecurity Bill, Committee on Automation of the Secretariat and so on.
He is a fellow of Nigeria Computer Society; and a member of Computer Professionals (Registration Council) of Nigeria (CPN) and International Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE). He is also a member of two technical committees of International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) – ICT and Education TC-3 and Security and Privacy Protection in Information Processing Systems (TC-11). ). He is also a member of Global Commission for the Stability of Cyberspace. He is the current Ogun State Technical Adviser for Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB).
Sodiya has taught at all levels of education (Primary, Secondary, undergraduate and postgraduate levels). He has adequate and comprehensive experience in teaching and research in Computer Science/IT. He has also been involved in some educational programmes like curriculum development, accreditation of programmes in tertiary institutions, external examination and so on. As Chairman, Nigeria Computer Society (NCS), Ogun State Chapter, he introduced some educational programmes such as annual IT development summit for students in all tertiary institutions in Ogun State, IT Education on Radio for all members of the public; and capacity building training for members and teachers in primary and secondary schools.
Some of the recent prizes won by Prof. Sodiya are 2010 IGI Global’s fourth annual excellence in Research Journal Award for Best Article and 2011 TWAS-AAS-MICROSFT Award for outstanding Computer Science researcher living and working in Africa and also won several leadership, excellence in research and professional awards.
Prof. Sodiya has served in various university committees such as Curriculum, Sport, Investigation, Promotion Assessment Panels, etc. He has made presentations in quite a number of national and international conferences. Sodiya’s publications in the field of Computer Science and Information Security include 45 journal articles and 25 edited conference proceedings. His publications are well cited all over the world. He has supervised 15 M.Sc and 5 Ph.D students.
Sodiya served as the acting Head of Department, Computer Science, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta between 2013 and 2015. He is an external examiner (undergraduate and postgraduate) to many tertiary institutions. He was the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Computer Science and its Applications between August, 2011 and July, 2013. He is the current Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Information Security, Privacy and Digital Forensic.
In June 2015, he was elected as the Vice-President / Vice-Chairman of Council, CPN. He served as the President, Information Technology Systems and Security Professionals (ITSSP) between 2015 and 2019.

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ICT Stakeholders Advocate Investment In Young Girls
9 months agoon
June 13, 2024
Stakeholders that gathered for the 12th edition of the celebration of the International Girls in ICT Campaign organised by eBusiness Life Communication Limited in Lagos last Thursday, have called on parents and corporates to make concerted efforts at investing in the young girls to enable them prepare for tech careers of the future.
In his keynote address at the event, the Executive Vice Chairman/CEO of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), Dr. Aminu Maida charged the girls to follow evolving trends in the world of technology and pursue excellence in order to make a difference in the workforce of the future.
Dr. Maida, who was represented by the Deputy Director, Head Corporate Communication, NCC, Nnenna Ukoha noted that there will always be gaps to be filled in the ICT field.
According to the NCC Boss, the significance of encouraging young girls and women to consider careers in ICT stems from the fact that the gender represents half of the global population, and it will only be fair and equitable to seek their views and input in standards that are essential to the shaping of technology.
Furthermore, he noted that encouraging these girls is an investment in the future of the nation.
“The ICT sector offers exciting and well-paid career opportunities; from software development to data analysis, cybersecurity to artificial intelligence, the opportunities are endless. By encouraging more girls and women to enter the ICT field, we can help bridge the digital divide and ensure that everyone has equal access to the opportunities of the digital age,” Maida opined.
He further encouraged young women to latch onto the provisions of Federal Government’s 3MTT initiative, which seeks to provide and empower young Nigerians with technology career opportunities in AI/Machine Learning; Data Analysis & Visualisation; User Interface (UI), User Design (UX) among others.
In a virtual message from the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the Secretary General, Doreen Bogdan-Martin explained that the 2024 theme, “Leadership”, speaks to more than holding a job title or position of power, but about harnessing the power of ideas and innovation, and the ability to navigate change with confidence even as a student.
“Right now, just 21% of all ICT Ministers are women, and only 32 out of 165 ICT regulators are led by a woman. In the highest positions of government, gender equality will not be reached for another 130 years. In the private sector women in technologists occupy less than a third of positions and face a pay gap of up to 21%. Just 22% of AI workers globally are women. And the hiring rate of women in tech leadership roles has stalled. When we look at C-Suite roles in STEM, just 1 in 8 is held by a woman.”
She called for investment in girl education, mentorship and skill-building opportunities so they can not only succeed, but thrive as digital trailblazers.
Manager, South-West Zonal office, National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), Mrs. Jumoke Alaka, who represented the Director General of the Agency, Dr. Inuwa Abdulahi, highlighted the numerous opportunities inherent in the ICT sector, and implored the young girls to stay away from negative sides of technology as a means of impacting the society positively. She encouraged them to also read hard copy materials as a means of retaining knowledge and referencing. She encouraged them to read more of hard copy materials to avoid distractions and easy switch to unnecessary Apps that come with reading from gadgets.
Mrs. Alaka also charged parents to guide their children on the beneficial use of ICT gadgets.
While taking the young girls on an insightful tech-talk session, Digital Strategist and Founder, ‘MissTechy’ – Nigeria’s top Female Tech Blog and video channel, Oluwatobi Ayeni, charged them to be inquisitive and explore ICT. This, she noted, will help them develop interest that will culminate into driving initiatives and filling gaps in technology.
CEO, MyHealthHub, Dr. (Mrs.) Ochuko Ibe while taking the girls on a health talk, challenged them to look at situations around them and seek ways of plugging gaps with technology. She referenced her journey through different fields and how she developed a passion for technology and now uses it to bridge medical gap in rural and underserved areas.
In her welcome address, Convener, Girls-In-ICT/CEO, e-Business Life Communication Limited, Mrs. Ufuoma Emuophedaro, citing ITU’s estimate of skills shortfall of over two million jobs in the ICT sector within the next five years, said girls and young women who learn coding, apps development and computer science will not only be well-placed for a successful career in the ICT sector, but ICT skills that are rapidly becoming a strong advantage for students in just about any other field they might choose to pursue. “Girls with ICT skills can expect to earn good salaries and enjoy plenty of career opportunities.
Girls in ICT Day reminds us that ICTs help to improve the lives of people everywhere – through better health care, better environmental management, better communications, and better educational systems that transform the way children and adults learn.”
ICT Stakeholders Advocate Investment In Young Girls
10 months agoon
May 16, 2024
Stakeholders that gathered for the 12th edition of the celebration of the International Girls in ICT Campaign organised by eBusiness Life Communication Limited in Lagos last Thursday, have called on parents and corporates to make concerted efforts at investing in the young girls to enable them prepare for tech careers of the future.
In his keynote address at the event, the Executive Vice Chairman/CEO of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), Dr. Aminu Maida charged the girls to follow evolving trends in the world of technology and pursue excellence in order to make a difference in the workforce of the future. Dr. Maida, who was represented by the Deputy Director, Head Corporate Communication, NCC, Nnenna Ukoha noted that there will always be gaps to be filled in the ICT field.
According to the NCC Boss, the significance of encouraging young girls and women to consider careers in ICT stems from the fact that the gender represents half of the global population, and it will only be fair and equitable to seek their views and input in standards that are essential to the shaping of technology.
Furthermore, he noted that encouraging these girls is an investment in the future of the nation. “The ICT sector offers exciting and well-paid career opportunities; from software development to data analysis, cybersecurity to artificial intelligence, the opportunities are endless. By encouraging more girls and women to enter the ICT field, we can help bridge the digital divide and ensure that everyone has equal access to the opportunities of the digital age,” Maida opined.
He further encouraged young women to latch onto the provisions of Federal Government’s 3MTT initiative, which seeks to provide and empower young Nigerians with technology career opportunities in AI/Machine Learning; Data Analysis & Visualisation; User Interface (UI), User Design (UX) among others.
In a virtual message from the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the Secretary General, Doreen Bogdan-Martin explained that the 2024 theme, “Leadership”, speaks to more than holding a job title or position of power, but about harnessing the power of ideas and innovation, and the ability to navigate change with confidence even as a student.
“Right now, just 21% of all ICT Ministers are women, and only 32 out of 165 ICT regulators are led by a woman. In the highest positions of government, gender equality will not be reached for another 130 years. In the private sector women in technologists occupy less than a third of positions and face a pay gap of up to 21%. Just 22% of AI workers globally are women. And the hiring rate of women in tech leadership roles has stalled. When we look at C-Suite roles in STEM, just 1 in 8 is held by a woman.” She called for investment in girl education, mentorship and skill-building opportunities so they can not only succeed, but thrive as digital trailblazers.
Manager, South-West Zonal office, National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), Mrs. Jumoke Alaka, who represented the Director General of the Agency, Dr. Inuwa Abdulahi, highlighted the numerous opportunities inherent in the ICT sector, and implored the young girls to stay away from negative sides of technology as a means of impacting the society positively. She encouraged them to also read hard copy materials as a means of retaining knowledge and referencing. She encouraged them to read more of hard copy materials to avoid distractions and easy switch to unnecessary Apps that come with reading from gadgets.
Mrs. Alaka also charged parents to guide their children on the beneficial use of ICT gadgets. While taking the young girls on an insightful tech-talk session, Digital Strategist and Founder, ‘MissTechy’ – Nigeria’s top Female Tech Blog and video channel, Oluwatobi Ayeni, charged them to be inquisitive and explore ICT. This, she noted, will help them develop interest that will culminate into driving initiatives and filling gaps in technology.
CEO, MyHealthHub, Dr. (Mrs.) Ochuko Ibe while taking the girls on a health talk, challenged them to look at situations around them and seek ways of plugging gaps with technology. She referenced her journey through different fields and how she developed a passion for technology and now uses it to bridge medical gap in rural and underserved areas.
In her welcome address, Convener, Girls-In-ICT/CEO, e-Business Life Communication Limited, Mrs. Ufuoma Emuophedaro, citing ITU’s estimate of skills shortfall of over two million jobs in the ICT sector within the next five years, said girls and young women who learn coding, apps development and computer science will not only be well-placed for a successful career in the ICT sector, but ICT skills that are rapidly becoming a strong advantage for students in just about any other field they might choose to pursue. “Girls with ICT skills can expect to earn good salaries and enjoy plenty of career opportunities. Girls in ICT Day reminds us that ICTs help to improve the lives of people everywhere – through better health care, better environmental management, better communications, and better educational systems that transform the way children and adults learn.”
Zarttalent Foundation to Empower Covenant University Students with Tech Skills
10 months agoon
May 16, 2024
Zarttalent, a foundation focused on driving technological innovation among Nigerian youths has partnered with Covenant University for the 2024 Career Fair, held on Friday, May 10, 2024, at the university’s campus located on Idiroko Road, Ota, Ogun State.
Themed “Limitless Future,” the career fair brought together seasoned professionals, and innovative educators to inspire the next generation of industry leaders. Through interactive workshops, insightful panel discussions, and networking opportunities, students gained invaluable insights into the ever-evolving technology landscape.
The partnership between Zarttalent Foundation and Covenant University underscores a shared vision to empower the final year, post-graduates and the I.T eligible students with practical knowledge and experiences that will serve as a springboard for their careers.
Expressing his enthusiasm about the impact of the partnership on the students, The Chief Executive Officer, Zarttalent Foundation, Nelson T. Ajulo said, “At Zarttalent Foundation, we believe in the transformative power of education and technology. Our partnership with Covenant University for the 2024 Career Fair reflects our dedication to equipping students with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in today’s fast-paced world.
By embracing the theme of ‘Limitless Future,’ we are empowering students to dream big, think outside the box, and confidently pursue their passions. Together with Covenant University, we’re paving the way for a future with endless possibilities.”
Recall that in the first quarter of 2024, the foundation initiated partnerships with Nigerian universities, commencing with a well-received event at Afe Babalola University in Ekiti State. This event attracted over 100 students exposed to tech courses and workshops created by the Zarttalent Academy.
A 2022 report by the Nigerian Information Technology Development Agency on the IT talent gap assessment in Nigeria suggested that there is a big gap between what the Universities deliver in terms of IT knowledge compared to what the alternative technology organisations deliver. Consequently, Zartaalent aims to address this gap by introducing students to advanced tech courses to enhance their skills.
The 2024 Career Fair marks the beginning of an exciting journey for students at Covenant University, as they embark on a path filled with endless opportunities and boundless potential. Through innovative initiatives and strategic partnerships, Zarttalent Foundation and Covenant University are poised to shape the future of technology and empower the leaders of tomorrow.